Latest blog post(s) for " Resolution "
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Resolution in Support of Homeschooling and Education Choice in Michigan
WHEREAS, The Genesee County Republican Party recognizes the importance of education in shaping the future of its citizens; andWHEREAS, Section 380.10 of Michigan Law states: "It is the natural,...
Resolution Supporting the Genesee County Small Cities & Villages Assoc.
WHEREAS, The Genesee County Small Cities & Villages Association has been a vital advocate for the interests and needs of the smaller communities within Genesee County;WHEREAS, Local district...
Supporting Economic Growth & Opposing Foreign Agents Holding American Land
WHEREAS, The Genesee County Republican Party (GCRP) supports Michigan's future economic growth, as long as it does not degrade the environment, devalue property or threaten our national security....
Genesee GOP committed to standing strong on Core Values and Principles
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch 27, 2023Contact: Chair Jay FedewaGeneseeCountyGOP@gmail.comThe Genesee County Republican Party recently adopted a resolution confirming their commitment to the...
Establishing a Second Amendment Sanctuary in Genesee County
WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States, ratified on the 21st day of June, 1788, declares in Article VI, Section 2: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made...
Standing Strong on our Republican Core Values and Principles
WHEREAS, The Genesee County Republican Party is fighting for Michigan's future, and has many members, delegates, and elected officials who are standing strong in defense of our Republican core...