Genesee GOP supports workers, opposes legislation limiting choice
Monday, March 14, 2023
Contact: Chair Jay Fedewa
The Genesee County Republican Party recently announced their continuing support of workers’ rights of choice and freedom of association, and their opposition to legislation aimed at repealing Michigan’s “Right to Work” law.
Genesee County has a long and storied history with the auto industry and the UAW, originating with auto workers who chose to unite together in the 1930s and stand up for much-needed improvements in worker safety and working conditions. However, the unions of today are not the unions of our grandfathers. When a worker sees the benefits of union membership and wants to join, they should. But no one should be forced to join a union or pay union dues so they can get a job. That’s just common sense.
“Genesee County has a rich history with unions and many of our members were a part of that history. The union benefits brought a better way of life, not only to our members, but to their family and friends.” said Jay Fedewa, Genesee County Republican Party Chair. “No one should be forced to join a union or pay union dues as a condition of employment. Each worker should decide if the union is truly representing them.”
Choice and freedom of association are core American values. Frequently, unions support causes or candidates, whether directly or indirectly, that their members would not support personally. Workers should not be forced to support organizations that may actually advocate against their core beliefs. Taking away this choice from workers who may have a different view or opinion ultimately silences their voice.
“We stand in solidarity with workers in their right to freedom of association, and for their voices to be heard. Repealing “Right to Work” would communicate that Michigan is ‘Closed for Business,’ and prioritizes political alliances over workers’ rights,” Fedewa said.
In the last ten years that Michigan has been “Open for Business” as a Right-to-Work state, unemployment has decreased, personal income has risen, 150,000 jobs have been added to the economy, and 140,000 workers have taken advantage of their right to not be forced to join a union as a condition of employment.
The Genesee County Republican Party strongly opposes any legislation that would repeal or restrict “Right-to-Work” worker protections. They remain committed to being a voice for workers, whether union or non-union, in defense of our freedoms and our core American rights and values.

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